
Highly original, inventive, engaging, truthful, beautiful, compelling writing is what we love, and what we seek.

Not much to ask, is it?

HUGO writing room

We invite you to turn our heads.

Or stop us in our tracks.

Maybe blow our minds.

Submissions are open. Here’s what to do:

  1. Send your submission via email only (sorry Postie) to . Word documents or PDFs please.
  2. Please include in your submission:
    • A covering letter introducing us to you, your writing achievements to date, your hopes and dreams and anything else you’d like us to know about you.
    • A brief synopsis of the book (no more than one page).
    • The first three chapters (or equivalent if you’re not doing the chapter thing).

We read every submission carefully, and we’ll know it when we see it, rest assured.

We will get back to you, but it could take several weeks.

Meanwhile, we salute your courage, and please accept some good vibes.